Wedding Bling
About a week ago, I got married to Q the best life partner I could ask for. The wedding and the months prior were a bit insane but incredible because they were filled with a great amount of creation. One of the ways that helped me cope with all of the stress and emotional excitment was making objects with my hands. The invitations, to the bling, the flower holders, guest book and everything inbetween. My bestest Eileen Gagarin and amazing mom, Rina made all of the ceramic vases and beads (photo coming soon).
In terms of jewelry the Wedding gave me an excuse to dive into working with gold! The wedding bands and earings are made out of 18k gold. The neckalse, head peice and cufflinks are made out of 14k gold filled. These peices gave us inspiration for a new wedding line which we hope to share with you in a few months. Here are some of the jewelry peices I created documented by the fabulous Molly Gilholm.
XO, Chen